News Article

Calling All Electricians: Support the Future of the Industry by Mentoring Apprentices

18 August 2024

Having read the article by Geoff Gwilym, CEO of the VACC, in the Herald Sun (Friday, July 19, 2024) on apprentice mentoring, it’s clear that electrical apprentices need more support.

NECA, through its training subsidiary, NECA Education and Training (NECA E&C), is the largest employer of electrical apprentices in Victoria. As Mr. Gwilym pointed out, industry associations like ours provide group training opportunities for apprentices and employers, but we do not provide labor hire. NECA regularly receives requests for short-term apprentice electricians, typically for two or three weeks. However, we decline these requests as they fall under labor hire, which is not within our scope. We are focused on finding committed employers who are dedicated to providing long-term training opportunities for apprentices.

NECA takes pride in the fact that the completion rate at NECA E&C exceeds 92%, far above the industry benchmark. Now, we are looking to further support apprentices in the electrical industry by inviting motivated individuals to volunteer their time.

We are seeking A-Grade electricians and electrical inspectors who can dedicate a couple of hours every fortnight to mentoring apprentices in their local areas. You don’t need teaching experience or qualifications—though they are certainly welcome—but you must have a valid electrical license and a Working with Children card.

If you are passionate about helping the next generation of electricians, please send an expression of interest to [email protected]. The commitment involves approximately 2.5 hours every fortnight at a local facility, starting from 4:30 PM. NECA will provide volunteers with training, instructional support, and materials.

We look forward to receiving expressions of interest from dedicated members of the electrical industry. Once we have a group of volunteers, we will establish regular support evenings. Improving apprenticeship completion rates is a goal that can only be achieved with active industry involvement.

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